Dress Code
Dress Code
The School considers it important that students are dressed Islamically and appear neat, clean and well-groomed at all times; that clothing is to be in good repair, and appropriate for the activity or occasion. As it is the School’s intent to keep students focused on educational pursuits, teachers have more time to focus on building positive relationships with students and motivating their learning when they are not monitoring the rudiments of the dress code. A common dress code also simplifies concerns that students have about their appearance. Simply put, the full dress code conveys what is allowed.
The dress code is in effect from the beginning of classes in the morning to the completion of classes at the end of the academic day. A free/ Activity/ Lunch period is not considered to be an adequate reason for not meeting the requirements of the dress code.
For Boys
- Short or long sleeved shirt. (no tank tops or shirts with inappropriate logos or messages)
- Grades 3-6: Pants (shorts are not allowed)
For Girls
- Grades JK-3: Short or long sleeved shirt (no tank tops or shirts with inappropriate logos or messages).
- Grades 4-6: Short or long sleeved shirt (no tank tops or shirts with inappropriate logos or messages)
- Pants or long skirt below the knee (shorts or tights with a short skirt are not allowed)
- Hijab is required for all female students in Grades 5-6
For Boys & Girls
- Sweaters: Cardigans, vests, and/or sweatshirts (no hoodies), that do not have any logos, pictures, or inappropriate messages.
- Shoes: Close toed shoes (runners or uniform shoes, no sandals) to be worn with socks. Students require 2 Pairs of shoes (1 for indoors & 1 for outdoors)
Appearance & Clothing Choices
Student appearance and clothing choices should reflect adherence to Islamic guidelines on modest appearance along with supporting a simple and focused learning environment. At Abraar School, our classroom settings aim to encourage learners to focus on academic, spiritual and social development rather than being concerned with the latest trends and styles in outward appearance. Accordingly, the following is prohibited at our school due to its distracting nature:
- Bleached, dyed, or coloured hair for male students, and overly distracting dyed hair for female students
- Extensions and false hair braids
- Clothing, accessories, and jewelry that are overly distracting to the eye
- All Scents and perfumes that are overly distracting to the senses
- Loose hair that impedes clear vision
- Pattern head shaving
- Nail polish, nail extensions, or fake nails
- Makeup and tattoos (temporary or permanent)
- Clothing and accessories with disparaging messages
Physical Education and Gym Clothes
All of the students at Abraar Elementary School will be encouraged to take an active part in the well-balanced Physical Education program designed to improve fitness, teach cooperation as well as sportsmanship, and develop skills, etc. It is important that each child be prepared to participate in every Physical Education lesson. This means coming to class with the proper attitude and suitable gym clothes. If your child cannot take part in a P.E. class, a note from home explaining the reason why is required.
Dress Code Violations
Students who are not dressed according to the above dress code will be sent home.