Author name: ogsadmin


An amazing 2 days & 2 nights experience for our High School students at Western University with an opportunity to learn and grow academically along with facilitating career choices. Register […]


PAC Boys’ Night Out 2020

Purchase Tickets Here A great opportunity for Father- Son bonding, while mothers and daughters enjoy the Girls’ Gala. Join PAC and fellow dads for a fun evening with exciting activities,



OGS students will be going on Physical Education based field trips from December 11-20 to encourage physical activity and instill a healthy lifestyle in our students.


OGS Girls’ Gala

Join us for a fun filled evening packed with delicious food and great entertainment. Watch our students display their amazing talents in the Talent Show while you enjoy shopping at


MAC OGS Hats & Mitts Campaign

We will be collecting new hats, mittens & socks for the homeless from December 16-20, 2019. Together, let’s bring some warmth into the lives of the less fortunate.

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