
Program System

Program Arrangement

According to the student’s age, memorization level, and own needs, applicants will be enrolled in one of the levels of Al-Otrojah. Please note that reading Tarteel and memorization is according to Hafs from Asem from the way of Shatebya. Al-Otrojah adopts an annual study system:
  • 2 semesters / year
  • 5 months / semester
  • Halaqas are up to 2 hours (length of the halaqa depends on the number of students)
We also offer online programs, which are designed to enable students all over the world to connect with our curriculum and professional teachers within a small group (halaqas of 4 students maximum) Register here. We also accept special requests from those who wish to join any of our programs, but wish to begin from a certain level or based on a certain rate of hifz and tarteel (we tailor programs to the student’s needs).

Admission Criteria: Is your child suited to this program?

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