
What We Do

What We Do At Al-Otrojah

At Al-Otrojah, our mission is to enhance our students’ understanding of Islamic knowledge and mastery of Quranic tajweed, all while ensuring they find joy in the learning process. We are dedicated to fostering a deep, personal connection between our students and the Holy Quran, guiding them not just in recitation but in comprehending its profound teachings. To achieve this, we make our programs widely accessible, actively encourage engagement, and create an environment where students eagerly anticipate each session.

Our offerings include a diverse range of programs, from Quran studies tailored for children to comprehensive teacher training courses designed to equip educators with the skills and knowledge to inspire future generations. We are committed to inclusivity, welcoming everyone to participate in our programs, regardless of age, background, or prior knowledge. Through this approach, we aim to cultivate a lifelong love for the Quran and Islamic studies, empowering our students to apply these sacred teachings in their daily lives and contribute positively to their communities.

What We Offer

At Al-Otrojah, we offer comprehensive programs for both children and adults. Our children’s programs cater to students aged 4-15, guiding them from foundational Quranic knowledge to advanced understanding. We offer four structured programs, each designed to meet the needs of different age groups and levels of learning.  
  1. Kottab Program (Ages 4-6): This introductory program focuses on teaching Quranic letters and the final hisb of Juz’ Amma.
  2. Program for Ages 7-9: Emphasizing accuracy, fluency, and proper pronunciation (makharij), this program uses Bidaya books to guide students through Juz’ Amma.
  3. Program for Ages 10-12: This program focuses on Juz’ Tabarak and Juz’ Qad Samia, with opportunities for advanced students to continue their memorization at their own pace.
  4. Youth Halaqa (Ages 13-16): This final program is dedicated to hifz, providing a focused environment for Quranic memorization.
Our curriculum is designed to support the spiritual and intellectual growth of each student, ensuring they build a strong and lasting connection with the Quran.
At Al-Otrojah, our adult programs are thoughtfully designed to cater to different levels of Quranic learning, from foundational skills to advanced memorization:
  1. Noorania: This program focuses on enhancing pronunciation and reading skills, laying a solid foundation for accurate Quranic recitation.
  2. Tarteel: In this program, students learn Tajweed rules while reading the entire Quran in the tarteel style, which emphasizes slow and melodious recitation.
  3. Advanced Tarteel: Similar to the Tarteel program but conducted at a faster pace, this program is for students looking to refine their skills more quickly.
  4. Hifz Programs (A, B, C, D): These programs focus on the memorization of the entire Quran, offered at four different paces to suit individual learning speeds.
  5. Pre-Sanad: This program is dedicated to revising and perfecting the students’ hifz, ensuring they are well-prepared for advanced Quranic certification.
  6. Sanad: In this program, students recite the entire Quran in front of a Sheikh who holds an Ejaza (certification), allowing them to achieve a recognized level of mastery.
Our adult programs are designed to support every learner’s journey, ensuring they achieve their Quranic goals with confidence and precision.
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