Support Our Vision
Why Donate to Al-Furqan?
Assalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
Al-Furqan School nurtures the talents of children aged 10 to 14 and helps them to memorize the entire Quran in three to four years. The school helps provide strong academic training to students.
When you pray behind someone, you want to know that person has the right tools to lead the prayer. Their character should be impeccable. They should preferably have a beautiful voice that uplifts you and makes you feel connected to Allah. They should be able to pronounce the word of Allah swt perfectly, as it was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
This is what Al-Furqan School aims to provide for students. A sound foundation for them to be able to excel in this Life and the Next.
You might be a parent. You might be a community member. You might be someone who has tried to memorize the Quran yourself and couldn’t, or memorized and succeeded.
Whoever you are, if you have an interest in providing Quran and academic training for exceptional young people, donate now.
In order to succeed in our goal and give the students and teachers the best chance of succeeding, our class sizes are relatively small. The Quran teachers test every student every day, and students memorize a page a day, sometimes more. In order to be able to track student progress daily, we limit the teacher to student ratio.
Your generous donation helps cover the costs of a program that is focused on excellence.

What's in it for You?
Al-Furqan School is a full-time licensed elementary school program with the Ontario Ministry of Education. It is owned by the Muslim Association of Canada. We issue tax receipts for all donations.
Of course, the true reward of donating is knowing you have contributed to a program that aims to provide services to the community. Our students recite at events, and go on to lead prayers, as well as teach and lead community projects. They contribute positively in the community through voluntary work.
What's done with your money?
Your donations are used in a variety of ways.
In addition, we have specific campaigns, such as computers, equipment, furniture that you can donate towards. Please note that much of our efforts depend on volunteers and donations, and we are grateful for your generous support.