High School
High School Program (Grade 9 to 12)
The High School program at Abraar Secondary is modelled on the Ontario Ministry of Education mandated curriculum that all high schools across the province, both public and private, must deliver. At Abraar Secondary, we follow very closely the guidelines of the Ontario Ministry of Education, with full commitment to teaching the Ministry mandated curriculum. We receive inspectors from the Ontario Ministry of Education on a regular basis and we have always exceeded expectations in the Ministry inspections. On par with the best high schools in the province, our High School program fully prepares our students for post-secondary education. Smaller class sizes, especially at the senior high school level, allow our teachers to devote more time to each student. Our students typically have among the highest averages in the province and, so far, our students have also had a 100 percent admission rate into post-secondary institutions upon graduation. We are very proud of the strength of our high school program here at Abraar Secondary and we take special pride in our students’ academic achievements.
In addition to the Ontario Ministry of Education mandated academic curriculum, our High School students also benefit from an Islamic program that includes Islamic studies classes and Tarbiayyah. The Islamic Studies classes, for grades 9 and 10, are designed to provide the students with a deep knowledge and firm grounding in their faith and values. The Tarbiyyah program, on the other hand, instills in the students a deep love and a strong commitment to living Islam and applying Islamic values in their every day dealings and interactions. Foundational values covered in the Tarbiyyah program include Rabbaniyah (placing the pleasure of God at the centre of our intentions and actions) Ikhlas (having sincerity in all that we do), Khitmah (being in the service of others) and Tamayyuz (setting high goals and striving for excellence).