
Al-Furqan Annual Quran Contest

Competition Timing & Rules & Guidelines

Assalam Alaykum,

Al-Furqan Part-Time School is proud to present our Annual Qur'an Contest!

We would like to invite you to join us in person InshaAllah. We encourage everyone to participate and compete to win prizes!

(Open for all Ottawa-Gatineau Regions)

T0 Register your child(ren): ParentPortal

Rules and Regulations:

1.     Al-Furqan 16th Noble Quran Memorization and Tajweed Contest 2025 is held at Abraar Elementary School located at 70 Filedrow St.

2.     All participants will recite in person on April 20th, 2025.

3.     All participants are allowed to register in only one contest category.

4.     Youth participants are those born between 2006 and 2020.

5.     Al-Zahrawan and Youth categories are open for all participants 4 years and older.

6.     The registration fee of $25 and the registration will be closed on February 28th, 2025.

7.     All fees are non-refundable.

8.     Award Ceremony on Sunday, April 27th, 2025 at Abraar Elementary Gym (70 Fieldrow St.)

9.     For any questions or sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at:

Important dates:-

Testing Date: Sunday, April 20
Time: 9:00 AM -5:00 PM
Location: Abraar Elementary School (70 Fieldrow St.)

Award Ceremony: Sunday, April 27 (The ceremony will be for all contestants, parents are invited to attend, All contestants will receive gifts and take photos with their teachers and the judges (Desserts will be provided).
Time: 12:00 PM Sharp  
Location: Abraar Elementary School Gym (70 Fieldrow St.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Quran Contest Categories

School-Age Contestants:

  • JK: Surat Al-Nasr
  • SK: Surat Al-Zalzala
  • G1: Surat As-Shmas
  • G2: Surat Surat Al-Fajr
  • G3: Surat Al-Naba
  • G4: Surat Al-Ma’arij
  • G5: Surat Al-Mulk
  • G6: Surat Ar-Rahman
  • G7: Surat Qaaf
  • G8: Surat Al-Fath
  • G9: Surat Al-Ahqaf
  • G10: Surat Yaseen
  • G11: Surat Sajda
  • G12: Surat Al-Kahf


Birth Year Surahs:

·         2007: Surat Al-Kahf

·         2008: Surat Sajda

·         2009: Surat Yaseen

·         2010: Surat Al-Ahqaf

·         2011: Surat Al-Fath

·         2012: Surat Qaaf

·         2013: Surat Ar-Rahman

·         2014: Surat Al-Mulk

·         2015: Surat Al-Ma’arij

·         2016: Surat Al-Naba

·         2017: Surat Al-Fajr

·         2018: Surat As-Shmas

·         2019: Surat Al-Zalzala

·         2020: Surat Al-Nasr


Advanced Categories (Youth): ages 4-18

·         Bronze: Juz’ Amma

·         Silver: Juz’ Amma & Juz’ Tabarak

·         Gold: Juz’ Amma, Juz’ Tabarak, and Juz’ Qad Sami’a

·         Platinum: Surah Ali-Imran

·         Diamond: Surah Al-Baqrah                                                                                                                                                      


Valuable Prizes for all participants! 


1st place

Trophy  +

Cash $ Gift 

2nd place

Trophy  +

Cash $ Gift 

3rd place

Trophy  +

Cash $ Gift 

Category 1 (JK)




Category 2 (SK)




Category 3 (Grade 1)




Category 4 (Grade 2)




Category 5 (Grade 3)




Category 6 (Grade 4)




Category 7 (Grade 5)




Category 8 (Grade 6)




Category 9 (Grade 7)




Category 10 (Grade 8)




Category 11 (Grade 9)




Category 12 (Grade 10)




Category 13 (Grade 11)




Category 14 (Grade 12)




Youth Categories:


Juz’ Amma





Juz’ Amma & Juz’ Tabarak





Juz’ Amma, Juz’ Tabarak, and Juz’ Qad Sami’a





Surat Ali-Imran





Surat Al-Baqrah





Please contact us:-


Merci - Thank you - Jazak Allah Kheir.

How the Quran Competition Works This Year:-

· Parents and Guardians received an email from the school administration with all the instructions about the time, rules, etc.

· On April 20, 2025, @ 8:30 AM sharp on the day of the competition facilitator will start the competition by registration.

· Then at 9:00 am will be greeting judges and contestants.

· There will be a brief intro to the Qur’an and its value in our life.

· Contestants must arrive at 5 minutes before their competition testing time, and sign-in with the admins.

· Contestants must be quiet and respectful all the time.

· Contestants will be called at their time for test.

· Contestants are welcome to stay all the time and listen to the recitation for other Contestants.

· All contestants will receive the participating certificate and gift at the end of the test.

· Judges will give the results at the end of testing time.

· Announcing Winners and Prizes will be on April 27, 2025 at 12:30 pm Insha`Allah.

· May Allah SWT give all our contestants success.

Competition Evaluation

· Contestants will be asked 3 questions and evaluated on Memorization (Hifz), Tajweed and Tashkeel. There will be 5 marks for Tajweed, 5 marks for Tashkeel and 90 marks for Memorization (Hifz) for a total of 100 marks and sometimes is different in the higher categories.

· The committee consists of 4 judges. The overall mark will be the average of all marks.

· Categories 1 to 6: If the contestant stops during recitation unable to complete and the judge will give him/her the Aya, 1 mark will be taken off his/her Memorization mark.

· Categories 7 to 16: If the contestant stops during recitation unable to complete and the judge will give him/her the Aya, 2 marks will be taken off his/her Memorization mark.

· If the contestant makes a mistake in the rules of Tajweed (Idgham, Idhar, Ikhfa, etc.) 1 mark will be taken off his Tajweed mark.

· If the contestant makes a vowel mistake (Harkah) or Tashkeel during the recitation, 1 mark will be taken off his Tashkeel mark.

· If the judge asks the contestant to start from the beginning of the sura, the contestant must start Istiatha and Basmalah.

Competition Evaluation

· Listening to a professional reciter and try to imitate them, is an effective way to beautify one’s recitation and Tajweed skills.

· The following websites may be of a great in preparing for the Competition:

· While reciting, one must raise his/her voice and read confidently and clearly, and the pace should be at a medium speed.


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