

Preschool & Childcare Centre

Our preschool and childcare centre, licensed by the Ministry of Education believes that all children are strong, capable learners worthy of our trust and support. We look to each child to help guide us in their learning. We value and respect children and believe that their theories and ideas are an important source to developing curriculum that reflects their needs and interests.

The early years of learning and child development is a time when children develop self-esteem, a sense of belonging and a sense of self worth. These essential skills form the foundation on which all learning is built. Our centre believes that the Emergent Curriculum philosophy, with its emphasis on the capabilities of the child, is the best way to enhance the growth of theses skills.
Our preschool and childcare centre has a resource consultant from the region therefore we have access to an Occupational Therapist and a Speech therapist to support families.

7:30 am to 5:30 pm
18 months up to 4 years of age
We provide a morning snack, lunch and afternoon snack. Our made in house food is tasty, fresh and nutritionally balanced.
8 am to 5:00 pm
For more details, contact our team at or at

Arabic, Quran & Character Education

We offer preschool level Arabic, Quran and Character Education Program. The children will be learning short surahs from the Quran, Arabic letter recognition, and sayings from the Prophet (). Throughout the day your child will also be learning short duas before eating, sleeping and going to the washroom.

The Character Education Program will be a holistic, integrated preschool program that will focus on a trait each month. The specific attributes will be embedded in lessons and school activities to help children gain a clear understanding of what the attribute ‘looks like, sounds like, and feels like’.

There will also be a focus on teaching them character traits (respect, empathy, responsibility, citizenship, patience, compassion, leadership, diversity, cleanliness, cooperation, persistence, honesty) that will enable them to grow into successful adults, becoming leaders in their respective societies.

Philosophy & Curriculum

An Emergent Curriculum Philosophy is one that builds upon the interests of children through discovery and investigation. Important areas such as Arabic, Quran, literacy, and numeracy, are introduced and woven through all activities, learning domains and activity centres.
Within our Emergent Curriculum Philosophy, there are four essential elements:
– Environment
– Observation & Documentation
– Role of the Educator
– Project Work & Practice

Our Environment

Quality Early Years Environments are inspiring and engaging! In our centre the environment itself is viewed as a teacher, inviting children into action and guiding them into individual and small group play. Our environment foster creativity, promotes wonder and encourages each child’s natural curiosity and desire to explore and learn. Great attention is given to the look and the feel of our classroom. Everything in the environment is meaningful and has a purpose.


Our Educators

Our Registered Early Childhood Educators (RECE’s) are not only nurturers, they are partners, facilitators, observers and co-learners who have a deep understanding of developmentally appropriate beliefs and practices in he field of early learning.
Our educators value individual differences and arrange the classroom so that children can explore at their own pace. They make available a wide range of materials and activities in order to allow children to make their own choices and work hard to match the curriculum to the strengths and interests demonstrated in the children.
Our intuitive and dedicated educators observe, listen and reflect on daily interactions and experiences of the children in order to reinforce their learning, discovery and interpretation about the world around them.
In a project, Educators provide the children with opportunities to explore, observe and investigate their world using all of their senses. Within a project, children learn to formulate their own questions and conduct their own investigations with the guidance of the Educator. Projects themselves are grounded in play based learning. Art, drama, storytelling, and hands on exploration are the groundwork for discovery and investigation. Throughout the process, the Educator also pays close attention to each child’s achievements, thereby supporting the formation of self-esteem, confidence and a strong social- emotional foundation.

Observation & Documentation

We learn best about children by watching them in action and taking note of the learning that they are experiencing. Observation and documentation are therefore one of the most important roles of an Early Childhood Educator.
Observation and documentation in our program is demonstrated through:
Individual Portfolios: A collection of items that reveal different aspects of an individual child’s growth and development over time.
Posted Observations of Children’s Day-to-Day Experiences: Demonstrated through photographs, children’s own work, anecdotal and narrative notes etc.
Project Narratives: Posted images, descriptions and children’s work as it pertains to a certain Topic of Investigation.

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