Welcome to MAC Maple Grove’s Library

At MAC Maple Grove School, our goal is to foster a love of reading within our students. Through reading, we teach our students to develop research skills, collaborative work skills while employing critical thinking so they can become effective leaders who can make an impact on a global platform.
As a library, we hope to make our space welcoming and enjoyable for everyone. To aid in this vision, we have numerous resources available to our students within our very diverse collection that holds approximately 16,000 titles. Our fiction collection branches off into several different genres some of which include: Mystery, Adventure, Thriller, Mythology, Graphic Novels, and Classics. We have a collection of Islamic and Arabic books that makes us quite unique as a school. To help support our French curriculum, we have a varied selection of French books catered to all reading levels. Our children’s magazine collection; although not circulated; is used for recreational reading whenever possible. We also have a small Audio Visual collection to enhance the library experience for our students.
Teacher Resources and Manipulatives
Teachers are the backbone of any great school. At MGS, we are no exception. We do our very best to support our teachers in fulfilling their curriculum needs. Whether it is enrichment or differentiation, our resources can provide something to suit everyone’s needs.
Computer Lab
In order to give our students a technological advantage, we provide them with a computer lab within our library. The teachers are able to schedule time in the lab to teach a particular lesson, research for a project, work on computing skills as well as play educational games to help master a concept taught in class.
Home Reading Program
Our Home Reading program uses leveled reading books that students check out daily. The 10 to 15 minutes spent reading each night make a world of a difference in getting a child to read and build a positive reading habit. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to ask some basic comprehension questions in order to solidify the main concepts within the book.

Scholastic Book Fair
At MGS, we take part in an annual Scholastic Book Fair. The purpose is allow children access to new, on-trend material and having a say in the kinds of books they’d like to add to their own collection. We have many exciting giveaways that we use to generate excitement about the fair. It is the most talked about event at our school. Reaching our book fair goal helps us to purchase books for the library, teacher resources and manipulatives as well as replace some of our well-loved books.
Scholastic Book Orders
Monthly book orders are another way we are able to provide children an avenue to select and purchase books they may be interested in. Book order forms are sent home every month. Orders may be submitted online or in paper form. Payment may be submitted online, via cheque made out to MAC MGS or in cash. Exact change must be sent as we will not provide change. These orders also supplement the cost of our library budget by helping us purchase some much needed items.
The library is available for reading and the use of the computer lab during school hours. Check outs, however, must be carried out during the following hours.
- Monday: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm
- Tuesday: 8:30 am to 11:30 am
- Wednesday: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm
- Thursday: 8:30 am to 10:30 am
- Friday: 8:30 am to 1:30 pm
In order to support and engage our students and to ensure that we are teaching children to follow expectations with regards to usage of library material, we have specific loan policies for each grade to meet their needs and goals. Our loan period for each book is 2 weeks. Textbooks and material signed out for research purposes have extended due dates.
Our JK and SK students can check out 3 books at each of their visits. Two of those books are from the home reading section and one from our picture book collection.
Grade 1, 2 and 3 sign out 2 books daily. One of which is their home reading book.
Grades 4 and 5 can sign out 2 books at a time provided they’ve completed the entire home reading program.
Grades 6, 7 and 8 can sign out 3 books at a time.
Overdue Material
Overdue material should be returned as soon as possible or renewed to avoid any late notices.
Lost/Damaged Material
We encourage our students to take extra care when signing out material from the library. In order to return them undamaged, we ask our students to keep their books away from young children and babies, pets and any food or drink. Damaged and lost items have set replacement fees that must be paid to clear any outstanding accounts.
The following are replacement fees for various items. The amount listed below is the cost per item.
Textbook: $60
Home Reading/Paperback/Hardcover Fiction book: $20
Non-Fiction: $40
DVDs: $20
Library Expectations
We have certain expectations of our students in order to share the space with everyone who uses the library.
- We ask that no food or drink is brought inside the library.
- We also ask that students use a whisper voice to not disturb the various reading programs taking place at different times during the day.
- By being courteous and respectful of all, we can all enjoy the library as a communal space.
We are so grateful to all our volunteers who generously donate their time to help support our library and its programs. We would not be where we are without them. With that said, we are always looking for a helping hand. If you are interested in volunteering with us, please email Aysha Kadri akadri@macmaplegrove.com.
At MAC Maple Grove, the library is the heart of our school. We are truly grateful that our library remains a place that is welcoming and enjoyable to all. We look forward to growing and expanding our services in the future in order to continue serving our students and our community for years to come.