
Al-Furqan School Rules and Policies


Children, who are absent regularly, jeopardize their learning and memorization process of the Quran. To enhance your child’s growth, it is necessary that he or she be present at all regular classes unless with a valid excuse. If your child is sick or going to be absent or late for school, please notify the Principal before 6:00PM the previous day or the day of by 9:00AM. It is also necessary to call each day of the illness, unless of course the duration can be foreseen and the school has been notified.

School Operational Hours:

School starts at 8:00AM and comes to completion at 3:30PM. Consisting of 3 hours in the morning for Quranic Studies and 3 hours in the afternoon for Academic studies with an 1 hour lunch and recess in between the two sessions. Early drop off and late pick up is available for a fee. Please inquire if you require such services.


Punctuality is a habit we hope to instill in all of our students. Students who arrive late must report to the Principal before going to class. Students must all be picked up at 3:30 PM sharp. There will be a fee charged to the student account if there is a persistent late pick up longer than 15 minutes.


If your child is on medication, please make every effort to give the medication at home. If for some reason the child must be given his/her medication during the class, please send a signed note explaining what must be done. The note and the medication must be given to the Principal on the day of class.


  1. Total amount of school tuition fees is $475/month payable on the first of each month.
  2. There is a $50 supply fee.
  3. There is a onetime non-refundable $300 fee for school supplies. Addition fees may apply to excursions outside for educational and recreational purposes.

Parental Responsibilities:

  1. Please regularly check with your child for letters or messages from the school.
  2. When a letter is sent home requiring an answer, please reply promptly (the next school day if possible).
  3. Review the school rules with your children to ensure that your child understands what is expected.
  4. Inform the school if your child will be absent or late.
  5. Parents picking up their children early, for a doctor’s appointment for example, must report to the Principal’s office and wait for their children there.
  6. If a neighbor, relative, or someone who normally does not pick up your child at school is going to do so, please notify the school in advance.
  7. When picking up your child, please DO NOT knock on the classroom door or open it and wait for the teacher to come out.
  8. Please DO NOT block the school drive way with your car.

School Rules for Students:

The objective of our student code of conduct is to nurture the best learning climate for the Quran as possible, where the rights of everyone involved are respected. Please go over these rules with your child:
  1. I must follow the instructions of those who supervise me.
  2. I must not chew gum on school premises or during classes.
  3. I must dress appropriately and respectfully.
  4. I must be polite and respectful.
  5. I must not fight or be aggressive.
  6. I must not damage school property or books.
  7. If I lose or cause damage to school property, I must pay for it.
  8. I must remain on school premises during school hours.
  9. I must try to come to school every school day and be on time.
  10. I must complete all the work assigned by my teachers to the best of my ability.

Al-Furqan School Discipline Policy:

We will be encouraging our students to be mindful of their responsibilities and will recognize their efforts. There will be times, however, when children’s mistakes will need follow-up. The following range of consequences indicate the types and nature of interventions that can be expected of Al-Furqan School staff when dealing with students who fail to respect the student code of conduct:

  • Informal Discussion/Interview. A teacher, educational assistant or the principal talks with student to reach an agreement or raise a concern regarding student’s behaviour.
  • Formal Warning. A teacher, educational assistant or the principal writes a formal warning, to be recorded in a student’s file, after discussion with student.
  • Telephone Call/Letter Home. A telephone call or a brief letter will be sent home to inform parents/guardians of the problem at school.
  • Formal Interview/Conference (Student). A conference/discussion is held with student, teacher and principal regarding the student’s behaviour. A phone call or letter home follows, to inform parents/guardians.
  • Parent/Guardian Conference. A meeting with parents/guardians, student, teacher, and the principal to discuss the problem as well as steps, which could be taken to address problem.
  • Behavioural Contract. An “action plan” or “contract” developed between school, parents/guardians and student in order to avoid more severe consequences for continuing misbehavior. Expectations and behavioural standards with clearly established outcomes are clarified for all parties.
  • School Suspension. The removal of a student from school. This is to be the last resort in case we are unable to resolve the issue.
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