
Al-Furqan School Rules and Policies

School starts at 8:00AM and comes to completion at 3:30PM. Consisting of 3 hours in the morning for Quranic Studies and 3.5 hours in the afternoon for Academic studies with an 1 hour lunch and recess in between the two sessions. Early drop off and late pick up is available for a fee. Please inquire if you require such services.

Children, who are absent regularly, jeopardize their learning and memorization process of the Quran. To enhance your child’s growth, it is necessary that he or she be present at all regular classes unless with a valid excuse. If your child is sick or going to be absent or late for school, please Notify the school by 8:15 AM. It is also necessary to call each day of the illness, unless of course the duration can be foreseen and the school has been notified.

Accordion Content


Children, who are absent regularly, jeopardize their learning and memorization process of the Quran. To enhance your child’s growth, it is necessary that he or she be present at all regular classes unless with a valid excuse. If your child is sick or going to be absent or late for school, please Notify the school by 8:15 AM. It is also necessary to call each day of the illness, unless of course the duration can be foreseen and the school has been notified.

School Operational Hours:

School starts at 8:00AM and comes to completion at 3:30PM. Consisting of 3 hours in the morning for Quranic Studies and 3.5 hours in the afternoon for Academic studies with an 1 hour lunch and recess in between the two sessions. Early drop off and late pick up is available for a fee. Please inquire if you require such services.


Punctuality is a habit we hope to instill in all of our students. Students who arrive late must report to the admin before going to class. Students must all be picked up at 3:30 PM sharp. There will be a fee charged to the student account if there is a persistent late pick up longer than 15 minutes.


If your child is on medication, please make every effort to give the medication at home. If for some reason the child must be given his/her medication during the class, please send a signed note explaining what must be done. The note and the medication must be given to the Principal on the day of class.


  1. Total amount of school tuition fees is $575/month payable on the first of each month.
  2. There is a one-time $50 supply fee.
  3. There is an annual, non-refundable $400 fee for school supplies. Addition fees may apply to excursions outside for educational and recreational purposes.

Student Code of Conduct:

The student code of conduct outlines ideals which MAC Al-Furqan School students’ value above all others and guides the School’s fundamental expectations of student behavior. Every student attending MAC AL-Furqan School, and his or her parent(s), must adhere to the student code of conduct. 


MAC AL-Furqan School believes that students should understand and live by standards of Islamically honorable behavior; they will be guided by the principles of the Quran and Sunnah that encourage commitment and collective responsibility, personal integrity, and genuine respect for community. 


Personal integrity is the foundation upon which students can thrive and develop. It is the cornerstone of one’s character. Personal integrity is demonstrated daily in doing one’s best, not for external rewards but, rather, simply in a desire to do what is right. In addition to being true to one’s self, personal integrity implies a soundness of Islamic character. At MAC AL-Furqan School, honesty is expected, not rewarded. 


Academic deception, inappropriate use of technology and networks, lying, cheating, or any act that contravenes the Quran, Sunnah and school rules is unpalatable, even if there is no chance of being caught. At MAC AL-Furqan School, a student’s personal integrity is paramount. 


Living in any community brings with it certain responsibilities. Within the MAC AL-Furqan School community, we collectively contribute to the maintenance of a “culture of respect” which governs all interactions and relationships. Every person at MAC AL-Furqan School has a right to live, learn and work in a safe and healthy environment. Our community includes individuals from many different cultures and backgrounds which results in an interesting and enriching learning environment for all. In such a diverse community, Islamic inclusiveness must be prioritized, and individuals must recognize that success and happiness are achieved through an open mind, a respectful and generous view of one’s neighbor, and a clear respect for others. Only through extending ongoing and unconditional respect for the people with whom we share this campus can a community like MAC AL-Furqan School thrive. 


As a student of MAC AL-Furqan School, students are expected to read over and think about the implications of this student code of conduct and endeavor to uphold it in their daily life at MAC AL-Furqan School. Contravening the student code of conduct may result in loss of eligibility for school awards, loss of privileges, ineligibility for positions of leadership and, possibly, disciplinary response. 


The student code must be read and signed by each student, witnessed by his/her parent(s) and returned to the School. 


Sample Student Code of Conduct from MAC Al-Furqan School 


Dear Student, 

MAC Al-Furqan School’s code of conduct is the first code that you have to follow rigorously.  It indicates your rights, your duties and the different rules to be applied in the school.  

This code of conduct was written with the pronoun I so that you can read it as if you would have written it yourself. Therefore, you should respect it and put it into practice.  


The Prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) said about the children:  

« Treat them well and give them the best education». (Reported by Ibn Madja) 

I have the right to: 

  • Receive a good quality education 

  • Be respected 

  • Learn in an enriching environment           

  • Learn in a clean and healthy environment 

  • Express myself, in a courteous manner, about what is disturbing me. 


Those are my rights, which are fundamental and essential. No one can deprive me of those rights.  However, they are restricted because I am not alone on earth and because I need the others to help my peers and myself grow.  Consequently, my rights are limited by the others’ rights who also deserve respect. Respect in general leads to my duties as a member of the community. 



1) I am punctual 

I come to school each day. I come on time (supervision starts at 7:45) and I come in through the students’ entrance on the south side of the building and go to class.  If I am late, I stop at the admin office to get a late slip that I have to give to my teacher when I enter the classroom. I arrive at each class on time.


2) I bring all my material 

I should bring all my materials such as notebooks, textbooks, folders  and stationery . If I forget or lost 

Any of my stuff I will have to pay $1 for each page copied. If I lost the textbook $200 for replacement , If I lost my Agenda or notebook or folder $20 for agenda or folder replacement.  

All the students must permanently have a pair of indoor shoes. Boots are always to be kept outside the classrooms.    

I should not forget to clearly identify all my personal things: school material (each manual, each pencil, each eraser, etc.), uniform, shoes, running shoes, coat, scarf, mittens, etc. If, however, I lose something, I may find it in the lost and found box. 

3) I work hard   

The Prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) said: 

 « Allah (Soubhana wa ta’la) likes that you perfect each work that you start ».  

(Reported by Elbayhaqi) 

I do my homework and assignments with tidiness according to my teacher’s directions and on time.  

4) I wear my uniform 

When I come to school, I should wear my uniform and be very proud of it. The day I have physical education at the gym I will have indoor shoes on gym day and swimming clothes. If I forget my stuff I should get permission from my parents or pick me up at 2:30 (YMCA days) .  

The day I come to school in a clean, ironed full formal uniform.   

Boys will not be allowed to have unusual piercings, dyed or streaked hair. Girls cannot wear nail polish or make-up to school. Excessive jewelry is also not permitted. Girls must wear hijab (head scarf) in. Where a situation arises concerning a student’s uniform, written requests for temporary wearing of non-regulation items must be referred to the school office.  

Boys’ hair must be kept clean and tidy at all times. Hair should not be touching the shirt collar and should be off the face. The fringe when straightened /combed down must not hang in the eyes. patterns, hair tied up and braided. The color must be the student’s own natural color. The style of the hair should not be extreme including but not limited to mohawk, shaved styles and/or natural color; no dye or highlights are allowed.  

If I’m not wearing the right uniform and am not presentable (no tears, dirty, etc), I could be sent back home to get my uniform until I comply with the school uniform rules and/or may be asked to not take part in school activities. 

Non-Uniform days  

From time to time we will have special days when no uniform is required. On these days students must wear loose Islamic clothing. No skinny jeans/pants for either gender.  Girls must wear shirts up to the mid-thigh 

5) I am polite inside and outside the school 

Allah (Soubhana wa ta’la) says in the Holy Quran:  

«Serve Allah, and join not any partners with Him; and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in need, neighbors who are of kin, neighbors who are strangers, the companion by your side, the way-farer (ye meet), and what your right hands possess: for Allah loveth not the arrogant, the vainglorious».  

(Sura An-nissa, verse 36) 

I should always speak in a polite manner to the people (adults and children) in the school or outside the school.  I should be greeting adults and students with “Asalaam alaikum” and reciprocate the salaam to whomever greets me. I should not swear or pronounce bad words or insults.  I should not make fun of anyone. In case of a conflict, I do not lose my temper and raise my voice. I try not to be involved in any fight and in any altercation.  

6) I take care of the school’s material: in my class, in the lab, etc. 

I am responsible for the chromebook, books, desks, chairs and of all the school’s material. My textbooks must be taken care of and I should not write inside it. If I experience problems with the school’s material, I should first inform my teacher. I must always keep my books in a proper backpack when I take them home.


7) I take care of my school 

I must keep my school clean including the prayer room, classrooms, corridors, library, school yard and washrooms. I must always keep my desk clean and well organized. I do not throw anything on the floor. I should keep all my things in the appropriate place and not let them lie around (books, shoes, clothes, etc.). I should take my boots and outdoor shoes home and store my indoor shoes in my locker. When I leave for the day I should pick up and put in the garbage all the wastes that I see even if I did not throw it myself on the floor.  


1) Coming to school 

When I arrive in the morning 7:45-8:00 am, I should go to class. I am not allowed to leave the class  without permission. If I arrive after 8:00 I’m considered late . If I am absent or late for 3 days without an excuse they will have detention . 

2) In the classroom 

In the classroom, I have to respect politeness rules: I do not disturb my friends by moving needlessly or making noise, and I raise my hand to ask a question or make a comment. I must also follow all the particular rules elaborated and established by my teacher.


3) Recess 

During recess time, I walk calmly without running in the corridors.  I go outside during the outdoor portion and stay with my grade during the indoor portion.  

4) Lunch hour 

Allah (Soubhana wa ta’la) says in the Holy Quran: 

« O Children of Adam! Wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer:  eat and drink: but waste not by excess, for Allah loveth not the wasters». 

(Sura Al Araf, verse 31) 

During lunch hour, and according to the designated time slot, When I eat, I should respect the Islamic rules (wash my hands, say bismillah and el-hamdulillah, eat with the right hand, etc.). I must eat slowly and not throw any food in the garbage. When I am finished, I pick up all the wastes, peelings, scraps on the table and then I throw everything in the garbage. It is better not to share anything from my meal with my friends because we never know who may be allergic to certain types of food. In any case, I should respect the supervisor’s instructions. When it’s time for my group to go outside for recess, I follow instructions and walk on the sidewalk to the backyard. I should not be entering or wandering into the Alfurqan building while I am at recess.


5) Ablutions and prayer 

The Prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) said: 

« When the child of Adam dies, none of his deeds will be taken into consideration for him except three things: his acts of permanent charity, science and education useful for humanity and a good (Muslim) child who prays for him ». 

At the appropriate time, I should line up with my friends to perform the ablution in the washroom.  Then, I should go into the prayer room, line up neatly with my shoes against the wall, perform my sunnah and sit quietly respectfully awaiting the salat. When I hear the adhan, I repeat it in a low voice and after that I remain silent and prepare myself to start the salat. I must always follow the imam during the prayer and never get ahead of him. After the prayer, I follow the imam for reciting the dua, perform my sunnah and go back to class right away, accompanied by my teacher or outdoor recess accompanied by my teacher. 

6) End of the classes 

At the end of the day , I should wait quietly at the appropriate place with my outdoor shoes (or boots) and coat on, and my school bag and belongings. I should behave safely and carefully near the cars. If my ride is not there by 3:45 pm, I go with the supervising teacher and wait for my ride, while still following the rules ( after school care).


7) Objects Forbidden in The School 

The school staff will decide if an object is allowed or not in the school. I should not bring to school any of the following: chewing gum, head cap, physical education clothes with drawings, photos or slogans, bracelets and necklaces, ipods, roller-blades and skateboards, water guns, fire-crackers, tattoos, knives or other dangerous objects. 

8) Safety at the school 

Since the school is responsible for my safety, I agree to respect the following safety requirements: I respect, and I follow the directives of safety given by a member of the personnel. (I move calmly, while walking in silence, I must always be at the appropriate place). 

For my safety and the safety of the others, it is unacceptable:  

  • to pull, to hustle, and to fight (even play fighting) 

  • to climb on the trees or on any other elevated object (net of soccer, posts of soccer, fence…) 

  • to launch dangerous objects (snowballs…) 

  • to bring an object which can considered to be dangerous (penknife, knife, matches, lighter…), (Consequence: the object will be confiscated) 

9) Electronic devices: 

I am only allowed to use my school approved chromebook during learning hours or whenever I have permission. I should not use any other electronic device, laptop or cell phone during school hours. If I do not follow these rules staff may take the item and give it to the office. 

10) Social Media and Technology: 

I understand that when I use technology or social media off-site, I must still follow the code of conduct showing respect and appropriate interaction.  Any instance of bullying, inappropriate relations, or representing Alfurqan in an Islamically immoral or negative light, etc.  is not acceptable.



Consequences will be determined by the nature and frequency of the incident. All the staff members of the school have the right to intervene. Depending on the infraction, five levels of intervention are possible. If a student continues to offend, or if no change is noticed, we pass to the next level. 

1ST LEVEL: WARNING (by supervisor or class teacher) 

I am asked verbally to change my behavior. After 2 warnings in the same week we apply the second level of intervention. 

2ND LEVEL: WRITTEN OR DRAWN REFLECTION (by supervisor or class teacher) 

I must write or draw a reflection on the nature of my infraction and on the method to correct, improve and change the situation. 

I am deprived of recess.  

At the second reflection in the same month, we apply to the third level. 


I take my reflection home, show it to my parents and ask them to sign it. The day after, I brought it back to school. My teacher can also ask me to contact my parents to explain to them what I did wrong. In one way or another, the objective is to let me express myself, my own idea, about the offense or wrong behavior. My parents must commit to support the school staff in its interventions.  

4TH LEVEL: INVITING THE PARENTS TO A MEETING (by a teacher and/or V.P and/or Principal) 

My parents are invited to a meeting to discuss the problem. This meeting is to help the parents to understand and support the school’s decisions and interventions and to help them to train their child in the application of the disciplinary measure.  


If a student keeps up the offence, reoffends or if no change is noticed, other sanctions may be applied. 

I may be asked to stay home for a certain period of time. In this situation my parents have to ensure my education at home (studies, homework) and I come back to school only for the exams.  

6TH LEVEL:  EXPULSION (recommendation from the school to the school board) 

In cases where the behavior can no longer be tolerated and the student does not show any desire to change the behavior, a serious situation, I may be expelled. 

According to the gravity of the offense, the school may apply any of the interventions above or choose any other appropriate interventions. For example:  

Signature of the behavior contract 

My parents and I may have to sign a commitment to respect the code of conduct with respect to the offense. 


I may have to ask my friends if they forgive me in public. 

Suspension for a certain period of time 

A suspension of one or a few days may be required. 

Compensation for the problem caused  

Depending on the problem, the school may ask for financial compensation or a replacement of the broken object or may ask me to clean the school yard or erase graffiti, etc. 

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