Umrah 2024: A Life-changing Experience

As a graduation trip, some of the grade 12 graduating students, accompanied by Vice-Principal Hamdi Hussein, were fortunate enough to embark on a journey to perform Umrah in February 2024. They were part of a 100 people MAC group – including students, teachers, staff members, our school Imam, Ahmed Khalil and parents – who made the Umrah this year.  Below are some testimonials from the trip.
VP – Umrah Reflection 
 Students spent four days in the beautiful and truly blessed city of Medina al-Munawwara – the Illuminated City. During the four days in Medina, the students prayed in Masjid An-Nabawi for almost every prayer. The students also visited many historical sites during their stay in Medina, including Masjid Quba, the first official masjid built by our beloved Prophet Muhammed, SallAllahu alayhi wa sallam.

Masjid Quba has a special place in our sacred history as it is the place in Medina where the first Jumah Prayer was held. The reward for praying two rakats in Masjid Quba is equivalent to performing Umrah. The students also visited Masjid al-Qiblatain- “Masjid of the two qiblas.” This is where the command to change the direction of prayer from Bayt-al-Maqdis, in the blessed city of Quds in Palestine, to the Sacred Mosque in Mecca was received and implemented by the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him. The students had the privilege and pleasure of praying at the blessed Rawdah, The Noble Garden, the area between the Minbar where the Prophet, sallAllahu alayhi wassallam, gave khutbas in his lifetime and his Blessed House.

In Mecca al-Mukarramah, the students visited Qaar Hiraa, the blessed cave in which the Revelation began. The students also prayed in the Masjid Al-Haram, the Sacred Sanctuary, and performed the Umrah. “This was a wonderful and blessed opportunity that the graduating class was fortunate enough to have experienced and one that we hope to offer to many more of our high school graduates [in the years ahead, Insha Allah]. This a complete Quran that was hand-stitched by a Naseem Akhtar of Pakistan.

Grade 12 student – Umrah Reflection:
J.A is a Grade 12 student who went on the Umrah trip. She said the Umrah trip was a life-changing experience that had a profound impact on her. “A conversation with the Vice Principal left a lasting impression on me when she said: ‘No one can come to the Kaaba unless by an invitation from Allah, and when I see the multitude of people here, I am more confident that Allah truly loves the believers because He is constantly inviting people to His home.’ Overall, the experience was truly remarkable, and I sincerely hope Allah invites me to His home again.”  

Grade 12 student – Umrah Reflection:
F.O is another Grade 12 student who also went on the Umrah trip. She reflects here on how she experienced this one-of-kind journey: “This was truly a blessing in my life. I will always be grateful to Abraar for giving me this incredible opportunity. The feelings I experienced there are unreal and words can’t describe the happiness and peace I felt during this trip. It’s a trip to forever remember and the [memory will always linger in mind]. Coming back from the trip I’ve also felt much closer to my Deen and have a new perspective in my life. I will always be thankful for and cherish the memories of this life-changing trip.”

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