Assalamu Alaikum,
Welcome! MAC Al Huda School recognizes HIGH SCHOOL volunteers as an essential resource for the school. We support and value the efforts of all our volunteers.
General Guidelines:
- Volunteering at Al Huda School is a one year commitment.
- Any absence should be communicated with Sr. Samya at least a day in advance. If you are absent for more than two consecutive weeks without informing your supervisor, Al Huda School holds the right to terminate your volunteer position. Sr.Samya:519-588-4039
- Report to the office on time and to your supervisor. Signing in and out is essential.
- You have to abide by all rules and procedures of the school; it is your 2nd home so make sure you maintain it properly.
- You have to be at your assigned area at all times and never leave it for any reason.
- If you face any issue, please discreetly report it to your direct supervisor.
- If you are a high school student, your community service hours signed by the principal will reflect the ACTUAL tasks you perform and complete.
- Always renew your intention; you are volunteering for the sake of Allah SWT.
- As a volunteer, Al Huda School will provide you with:
- an opportunity to insha’Allah earn great rewards from Allah SWT
- required community service hours if you are a high school student.
To apply to VOLUNTEER at Al Huda School:
Please come and visit us at : 160 Courtland Ave E, Kitchener
MAC Al Huda Weekend School-KW
operates from Waterloo Collegiate Institute
160 Courtland Ave E,
Kitchener, ON N2G 3M6
You may also call (Volunteer Coordinator):
Jazakom Allahu Khairan