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Tarbiyah Framework

Tarbiyah at OGS

In 2017, OGS was chosen as the pilot school for launching iRISE, an evidence based framework to ensure Islamic worldview conceptions implemented in MAC schools nationwide. Though only Grades 4-6 participated in the first year, the program has now been extended to all grades JK-12.

iRISE uses a God-centered approach to all aspects of life, and the OGS Guidance Counsellors, staff and iRISE team members have been successfully implementing core Islamic values centered around Rabbaniyah (God-centeredness) in all aspects of school to inculcate student mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health and wellbeing.

Our vision for our students through a Tarbiyah lens is to encourage students to embody the Islamic character; to reach their full potential; to have a strong sense of responsibility and care; and to be prepared to rise above any challenges they may face.

iRISE stands for:

  • i: symbolizes personal connection to Allah SWT and ownership of the values
  • Rabbaniyah: Developing faith and being God-centered
  • Integrity: Strong internally-driven moral principles
  • Service: Acting upon one’s responsibility with respect to all concentric circles: from individual to family to society to the world
  • Excellence: Developing knowledge, skills and personal attributes to reach one’s full potential

We are committed to instill in our students the desire to rise to please Allah SWT; rise to do what’s right; rise to care for others; and rise to do their best.

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