Parents & Students

MAC Islamic School. Let's rise to please Allah SWT.

Key Points to Remember for a Successful School Year

The relationship students build with their teachers is very important. Teachers will work with students to help them maximize their potential. Staying organized, along with hard work and balance in all areas of school life, will bring success. Homework, along with daily reading and studying will lead to good marks. Commitment and responsibility are essential if this is to occur. Finding a time and place to do homework is critical. Junior High students should spend a reasonable amount of time each night on homework. The use of an agenda to record homework is a way to stay organized. Use it every day! As well, students should make sure they always have their materials for each class.

Parents are an important part of the partnership with the school and are critical in helping their children achieve their goals. Parents will be notified when students are experiencing organizational, academic, or behaviour problems.

MIS has many neighbours who see our school as a vibrant and essential part of the community. Our reputation in the neighbourhood is important to us. Therefore, we expect students to behave with respect before and after school in our community.