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Staff Appreciation Week

During these unprecedented times, OGS staff and teachers skillfully navigated unchartered territory and stepped up to give our kids the stability to weather this storm. Our wonderful teachers and staff at OGS put forward an immense amount of energy and dedication to ensure that our children have positive experiences and that parents feel they have a strong partner in the development and success of our children. We are truly blessed to be part of the OGS family and the journey it entails.
The Parent Advisory Council would like to show our gratitude to the teachers and staff by hosting Staff Appreciation Week. Please join us in bringing this vision to fruition. Your generous gift is tax-deductible and a tax receipt will be issued for amounts over $25. Thank you for enabling us to continue to work on great parent initiatives.
If you have a business and would like to be a sponsor for this event, please contact us at so we can further discuss details.

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